It is in our DNA to think ahead and do things differently. Through a gender lens, we innovatively transform policies and practices for socio-economic development. We are always on the move and we don’t settle. Our innovation hub is a laboratory which transforms research-based ideas into practices. When proven to have an impact, these practices become new areas of work for promoting the economic empowerment of youth and women. Everything we implement in our areas of work has gone through the innovation hub: everything has been conceived, tested, measured, evaluated and finally, been demonstrated to have impact

01 The Innovation Hub

It is in our DNA to think ahead and do things differently. We use a gender lens to transform with innovation, policies and practices of socio-economic development.

02 Access to first employment opportunity (Private Sector)

MUVA prepares young people in a situation of socio-economic vulnerability for, and facilitates their access to, first employment opportunities or internship in the labour market.

03 Access to first employment opportunity (Public Sector)

We work in coordination with the Government so that social protection initiatives for public sector jobs in the country use a gender lens and can benefit more young people with technical skills and a work experience. This approach has an emphasis on creating opportunities for first work experience in public sector activities, in order to contribute to social initiatives, while allowing young people to gain new skills, new technical knowledge and, most importantly, an experience of work.

04 Entrepreneurship

We support female entrepreneurs in growing their businesses, increasing their income, and becoming more inclusive leaders. We work with micro-enterprises (such as vegetable sellers in informal markets), SMEs - Small and Medium Enterprises (such as traders with structured businesses), and formal and informal businesses. Our commitment is to increase the business productivity and profit of these businesses.

05 Organizational Transformation

With a commitment to promoting gender equality in the world of work, this area of work sees MUVA collaborate with large organizations and businesses to enable them to create an environment of greater inclusion and diversity. Our approach is to build and co-create working environments with greater well-being, ethics, innovation and productivity.

Get in touch


Rua Carlos Albers, 67. Bairro Polana Cimento.
Cidade de Maputo.


Rua Francisco Matange, 871.
UC D, Q 04. Bairro Macuti.
Cidade da Beira.


Avenida FPLM, 845.
Bairro Muahivire.
Cidade de Nampula.


Telephone: +258 84 534 1584