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Organizational Transformation

With the commitment to promote gender equality in the world of work, this project works with large organizations and companies so that they can ensure an environment of greater inclusion and diversity. Our focus is to build and co-create working environments with more well-being, ethics, innovation and productivity. We create, together with organizational leadership, the fertile ground for more inclusive corporate attitudes, enabling the development of projects to change organizational policies and culture. Through technical assistance and personalized training, we support organizations in creating a more productive and innovative work environment, based on the individual and collective development of their teams.

Project MUVA B4G

DURATION > 1 month
Next COURSE  > 22 / 10 / 2022

The MUVA B4G (Business For Gender Equality) has developed 3 packages for companies and organizations engaged in creating and implementing a gender lens in their operations. The corporate transformation journey can vary according to the size and demands of each organization. The packages are gender trainings for work teams and facilitation of strategic meetings to implement action plans for greater gender diversity and inclusion.

Get in touch


Rua Carlos Albers, 67. Bairro Polana Cimento.
Cidade de Maputo.


Rua Francisco Matange, 871.
UC D, Q 04. Bairro Macuti.
Cidade da Beira.


Avenida FPLM, 845.
Bairro Muahivire.
Cidade de Nampula.


Telephone: +258 84 534 1584