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The case of MUVA Assistentes: Beyond income generation to a new approach for women’s empowerment
Artigos & resultados relacionados
What works for female economic empowerment?
What evidence exists in the international literature on “what works” and what doesn’t work, and why, in programmes addressing female economic empowerment? What pathways to empowerment are relevant for these programmes?
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The role of social capital in female economic empowerment?
The idea of social capital can be useful for bringing a socially-driven analysis into economics-driven approaches to understanding poverty, livelihoods and social mobility, but definitions/understandings of social capital are very varied.
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Key constraints to female economic empowerment
What evidence exists in the international literature on the problems and contextual features that inhibit female economic empowerment for girls and young women in urban areas in Mozambique?
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Measuring skills from education to the labour market
There are a number of challenges and methodological issues for measuring skills acquisition. Socio-emotional and other non-cognitive skills are particularly challenging for measurement.
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What are the barriers to FEE associated with urbanisation?
Urbanization offers opportunities for furthering gender equality, but the challenges of urban life also have gender dimensions such that women are often less able to take advantage of these potential benefits..
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Classification of skills from education to the labour market
How do we define the terms we use to describe the range of skills necessary to succeed in the education system and in the labour market? What are the fundamental theories that define the terminology?
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Skills and Schools: What is the evidence on school-based interventions?
What are the factors producing high non-cognitive skills in the absence of any intervention deliberately improving them?
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Gender policy and practice in large private sector companies
Initiatives to improve gender policies and practices in the workplaces of large companies are driven in part by objectives to improve gender equality per se and in part to improve business outcomes.
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Understanding the reality of female entrepreneurship in Mozambique
Female entrepreneurship is often seen as ‘smart economics’, the silver bullet that can promote women’s economic empowerment by enhancing their access to income, status and decision-making power.
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How have value chain interventions supported FEE?
A Different types of value chain intervention address actors as producers, employees, consumers, suppliers and contractors etc. Many interventions aim to improve both vertical and horizontal linkages.
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Everyday Literacy and Numeracy Survey
This report provides a comprehensive summary of the methodology and the main findings of this study. It also presents some conclusions and implications that can be derived from the findings.
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MUVA Urban Youth Survey – 2018
A statistical profile of urban youth in Maputo and Beira, Mozambique.
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Female entrepreneurship and informality in low – and middle – income countries: what ...
IDS Paper Series 1: Read in this paper how Improving the circumstances of doing business in the informal sector can be a way to fight sociocultural and economic barriers, harassment and discrimination.
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Female entrepreneurship and the creation of more and better jobs in sub-Saharan African countries
IDS Paper Series 2: This paper shows that with the right support, self-employed women and female business owners are able to improve their business outcomes, which could have positive implications for their employment and that of others.
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Learning from Entrepreneurship Programming for Women’s Economic Empowerment
IDS Paper Series 3: Tailoring of design and delivery to context and target group are essential to effective entrepreneurship programes. This paper explains how MUVA has responded to these challenges, based on the cases of MUVA+ and PAM. Read for more details about MUVA methodologies.
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The importance of soft skills for strengthening agency in female entrepreneurship programmes
IDS Paper Series 4: This paper shows how abstract concepts of power, agency, and economic empowerment can be translated to the real world; as shown by entrepreneurs who participated in two MUVA’s entrepreneurship projects in Mozambique.
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The case of MUVA Assistentes: Beyond income generation to a new approach for women’s empowerment
IDS Paper Series 5: This paper highlights the case of MUVA Assistentes, a public works programme (PWP) that provided training and mentoring to young vulnerable women (YVW) in urban Mozambique.
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Beyond diversity: understanding and driving women’s inclusion at work.
The case of Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM)
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Get in touch
Rua Carlos Albers, 67. Bairro Polana Cimento.
Cidade de Maputo.
Rua Francisco Matange, 871.
UC D, Q 04. Bairro Macuti.
Cidade da Beira.
Avenida FPLM, 845.
Bairro Muahivire.
Cidade de Nampula.
Telephone: +258 84 534 1584