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Innovation Hub
It is in MUVA's DNA to think ahead and do differently. Through a gender lens, MUVA transforms with innovations, policies and practices for socio-economic development. We are always on the move and do not rest on our laurels. Our innovation hub is a laboratory of research-based ideas that become practical. When proven to have an impact, these practices become new areas of work for the promotion of youth economic empowerment. Everything we implement in our work areas has gone through the innovation hub: it has been designed, tested, measured, evaluated and finally demonstrated impact.
Our model
Get in touch
Rua Carlos Albers, 67. Bairro Polana Cimento.
Cidade de Maputo.
Rua Francisco Matange, 871.
UC D, Q 04. Bairro Macuti.
Cidade da Beira.
Avenida FPLM, 845.
Bairro Muahivire.
Cidade de Nampula.
Telephone: +258 84 534 1584