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About us
What we believe in
We believe that recognizing the structural barriers that limit the socio-economic inclusion of young people in the global south is the first step towards social transformation. In order to empower young people economically, we work at the intersection of 3 major areas at the individual and systemic level: technical skills, access to economic opportunities, and inter- and intra-personal development. Research and testing are two of the assumptions to which we are fully committed. Monitoring, evaluation and learning are at the core of our approaches, which reinforces our adaptive and innovative nature, thus enabling relevant and efficient interventions.
Our History
MUVA evolved from a research-action programme on the economic empowerment of women in positions of socio-economic vulnerability. Started with funds from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), MUVA was initially set up in 2015 by Oxford Policy Management (OPM) and the Nutrition and Food Security Association (ANSA). The MUVA Programme studied, implemented and tested over 17 approaches that contribute to the economic empowerment of young people, especially women. In 2020 the programme became an association under Mozambican law, increasing its partners and funders.
A history of learning and sharing
Our partners
Our team
Where we are
We develop projects that have been, and still are, implemented in urban, peri-urban and rural areas, especially where there are diversified economic opportunities in the social framework. With offices in Maputo, Sofala, Manica, Nampula, Zambezia and Cabo Delgado, we have projects from north to south of the country. From our co-creation partners and the evidence generated and disseminated, we have been able to scale up our approaches to other countries in the global south: Malawi, Zimbabwe, Chad, Guinea Bissau, Congo and Brazil.
Get in touch
Rua Carlos Albers, 67. Bairro Polana Cimento.
Cidade de Maputo.
Rua Francisco Matange, 871.
UC D, Q 04. Bairro Macuti.
Cidade da Beira.
Avenida FPLM, 845.
Bairro Muahivire.
Cidade de Nampula.
Telephone: +258 84 534 1584